Essay writing, Extended Essay

15 Extended Essay Writing tips to help you score an A in 2024: Ideas, Guide, Examples

The Extended Essay is an essential component of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme. It allows students to conduct independent research on a topic of their choice. A successful Extended Essay requires strong organization, planning, and excellent research and writing skills. Thus, students could do much extended essay writing tips.

This guide will provide Extended Essay writing tips to help you score an A in your paper. We will cover topics such as choosing a topic, researching and organizing your ideas, and tips for writing and revising your essay. By following these tips, you will be well on your way to writing a top-quality Extended Essay.

1.     Choose a topic that you are interested in that falls within the guidelines of the Extended Essay

One of the essential steps of an outstanding Extended Essay is selecting a topic you are interested in and falls within the provided guidelines. You should choose a topic you are passionate about, as this will make the whole research process enjoyable and allow you to write an outstanding essay.

When choosing your topic, choose something focused and specific and avoid general and broad topics. That way, you will find researching easier, and your essay will have a clear direction and focus. Ensure that your topic is relevant to the subject area and it meets any specific requirements.

2.     Start your research early

Start by brainstorming ideas and creating a list of possible topics. Once you have selected a top, begin research as soon as possible. You will have plenty of time to gain more information from various sources such as online resources, books, and articles.

Create a schedule to ensure that you stay on track and progress on your essay. Divide your essay writing essay process into smaller tasks like researching, outlining, writing, editing and proofreading and have a time frame for each deadline. That way, you will be organized and focused and complete your paper on time.

3.     Narrow your focus to a specific research question or thesis statement to guide your essay

A strong research question or thesis statement will provide a clear direction and focus for your essay and help to keep your writing on track. When developing your research question or thesis statement, choose something specific and focused rather than a broad and general topic. This will help to ensure that your essay is well-organized and well-written.

Your research question or thesis statement should also be something that you are genuinely interested in and can realistically answer or explore within the scope of your essay. This will help to make the research and writing process more enjoyable and engaging.

4.     Take detailed notes and use credible sources for your research

Taking notes and using credible sources is essential for researching your Extended Essay. These notes will help you organize your thoughts and ensure to record the information you have gathered. While taking notes, ensure you record the author, title, and publication. This will make it easier to cite sources correctly in your essay.

Always use relevant and credible sources for your research. Credible sources are reliable, trustworthy, and written by experts in the field. Some examples of credible sources include academic journals, books, and websites ending in “.edu” or “.gov.” Avoid using sources such as personal blogs or opinion pieces, as these are not considered credible sources of information.

5.     Create an outline to organize your thoughts and ideas

When creating an outline, begin by listing the key points and then the supporting ideas. Then arrange the points in an order you deem fit. You should always go from general to specific. Headings and subheadings can also be quite crucial at this point. The outline should contain the introduction, body, conclusions, and other essential sections of the essay, such as the methodology or literature review.

The introduction introduces your topic, provides background information, and contains your thesis statement and research question. The body generally presents your key ideas and their supporting points. The conclusion is the last part and gives your final analysis of the topic or research question.

Helpful tips for improving your IB Extended Essay: Credits: YouTube

6.       Use a clear and concise writing style, avoiding jargon or overly complex language

A clear and concise writing style is essential for producing a high-quality Extended Essay. A clear and concise writing style means using straightforward language and avoiding unnecessary jargon or overly complex sentences. This will make your essay easier to read and understand and help to engage your reader.

To achieve a clear and concise writing style, try to use short and simple sentences whenever possible, and avoid using long and complicated words or phrases. Use active voice instead of passive voice, making your writing more direct and engaging. It is also essential to use proper grammar and punctuation and to proofread your essay for any spelling or grammatical errors.

7.       Proofread and edit your essay for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors

Essay proofreading and editing is a vital writing process stage for finding and fixing errors in your paper. An error-free and well-written essay will leave a lasting impression on your reader and boost your chances of getting an A on your Extended Essay.

Tips for writing a good IB Extended Essay

The first step is setting aside dedicated time to proofread and edit your essay. Putting your essay aside for a day or two and returning to it with fresh eyes can allow you to see errors you may have overlooked the first time. Your next step should be to read your essay aloud, this time paying close attention to spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Use a spell and grammar checker if you must, but don’t rely on them entirely; proofread everything by hand, just in case.

If you want to ensure your essay is flawless, it helps to have another set of eyes look over it. Read through your revised and edited essay several times to ensure it flows well and contains no grammatical or spelling mistakes.

8.       Use concrete examples to support your arguments for a better extended essay

One of the keys to a well-written Extended Essay is providing solid examples to back up your claims. Evidence or support in the form of specific examples can bolster your ideas and create a far greater impact. You can’t expect your reader to be persuaded by your ideas if you don’t back them up with specific examples.

Pick appropriate examples that directly relate to what you’re trying to argue. Don’t rely on generic or overly broad examples because they might not do justice to your points.

Using the correct citation style when citing your instances is also crucial. Doing so demonstrates that you have done the research for your essay and gives proper credit to the original author.

9.       Use the appropriate citation style consistently throughout your essay

For several reasons, you must use the correct citation format consistently throughout your paper. The first and most obvious benefit of referencing your sources is that it demonstrates to your professor that you have done extensive research for your essay. Second, it makes it simple for the reader to check your facts by finding the resources you cited. Last but not least, if you use the correct citation style throughout your essay, readers will recognize that you’ve made an effort to make it sound polished and professional.

10.     Make sure to include an introduction, body, and conclusion in your essay

Your Extended Essay will be much easier to write if you take the time to structure it into an introduction, body, and conclusion. Each of these subheadings should have a certain function and contribute to the overall organization of your essay.

Your essay’s introduction should present your topic, give some context, and introduce your research question or thesis statement. Doing so will help the reader understand the larger picture of your essay and prepare them for your primary arguments.

The meat of your essay is where you flesh out your thesis and back it up with evidence. Each major point needs its paragraph, as does evidence to back it up. In the final paragraph of your essay, you should restate your thesis and offer a conclusive assessment or analysis of the issue you covered. Doing so will give your essay a sense of closure and satisfy your reader.

11.     Follow the guidelines for length and format specified by your school or supervisor

An excellent Extended Essay will adhere to any length and format requirements your institution or supervisor set forth. These guidelines spell out your essay’s length, format, and other directions or criteria.

The exact word count for the Extended Essay is up to the student and their professor or advisor, but most essays fall within the 4,000-word range. Seek advice from instructions to find out how long your essay needs.

Your essay should have clear headings and subheadings to help divide it and make it simpler to understand. Use the same font and font size throughout, and adhere to any other formatting instructions, like required margins and page numbers.

12.     Use headings and subheadings to break up your essay and make it easier to read

Headings and subheadings are an important way to break your Extended Essay and make it easy to read. Breaking up your essay will help organize it and make it easier for the reader to follow. Use descriptive language that accurately represents the content in each section in your headings. The heading should be brief and straight to the point.

Using larger fonts, you should also make the heading unique from the rest of the paper. Use the headings consistently and follow the specific guideline provided by the guidelines.

13.     Asking for feedback regarding your extended essay

Asking for feedback from your supervisor before submitting your Extended Essay Can help to identify any mistakes or areas for improvement in your essay. External feedback from subject matter experts who understand the subject and have experience grading such essays will help you gain more suggestions and insights.

 You could show your supervisor or tutor a draft of your essay and request their feedback. Ensure you give them ample time to review essays deeply and give crucial feedback. Alternatively, you can also request feedback from your classmates. You might also get meaningful insight into your essay from your peers. Be open to constructive criticism and be ready to make changes or revisions as per the suggestions provided. The ultimate goal here is to help your essay better.

14.     Stick on topic and avoid straying from your main argument

Stick to the topic and avoid straying from your main argument. Maintaining will help engage your readers and keep them hooked to your arguments. The best way to stick to your topic is to constantly refer to the thesis statement or research question and ensure that you are directly addressing the main argument. When you notice that you are drifting away from the main argument, take to review your points and ensure you are presenting relevant comments.

15.     Use your own words and avoid plagiarism by properly citing all sources

Using your own words and avoiding plagiarism is critical for an outstanding Extended Essay. Plagiarism is the act of using the work of others without proper attribution, and it is considered a severe offense in the academic world. To avoid plagiarism, it is essential to use your own words whenever possible and properly cite all sources you use in your essay.

Try to summarize or paraphrase information from your sources rather than quoting directly. When summarizing or paraphrasing, make sure to accurately convey the source’s main ideas, but use your own words and sentence structure.

It is also important to cite all sources you use in your essay. This includes any information you quote, summarize, or paraphrase and any ideas or concepts you borrow from other sources. Make sure to use the appropriate citation style throughout your essay. Include all necessary information, including the author, title, and publication date, depending on the instructions.

Final word on Extended Essay Writing Tips

The extended essay is an essential part of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. It can be a challenging task for many students. But with the 15 tips outlined above, you improve your chances of success and set yourself up for scoring top grades on the Extended Essay. The tips above include selecting a solid research question, creating an outline, organizing yourself and looking for help from peers and supervisors, and proofreading carefully. By planning and executing your Extended Essay properly, you can showcase your knowledge and critical thinking skills to impress your evaluators and earn top marks.

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