1) Choose a topic of Latino or Hispanic cultural interest. Most students choose a Spanish-speaking country or a famous person, but some also choose a cultural event celebrated in a Spanish-speaking country. I will post all of your topics to the announcement section; but if you want to change, it is never too late — just let me know. “Firstcome, first serve” — no duplicate topics allowed.2) Research your topic and locate a few resources in Spanish. Look for easy-to-understand Spanish text. Look for images (photos, maps, and pictures) that could be added to your PPT slides to create interest. Be creative, but your focus is on Spanish narration.3) Create the PPT template consisting of one (1) title slide and five (5) content slides with subtopics in outline form — do not include the entire presentation text. Start by selecting the slide template under Design in PowerPoint. Complete your slides before you begin to add the narration, “narrate slides” part. I will post some sample PowerPoints so you can see what I mean.4) Connect a microphone head set or desk top to your computer or use the built in microphone in the keyboard — in some of the newer models this is a built in feature. I bought a microphone online from Amazon with free delivery for $10 so it doesn’t cost much. Look for one that is background sound reducing so you don’t record with a hum in the background. You want clear sound.5) Once the slides are ready, you add the PPT narration by searching under Slide Show, then under “Record Slide Show.” Skip through the various sound settings and click on “Start Recording.” This will automatically start your slide show and add the sounds recorded (your voice and any music or background noise) to each slide. When you have finished recording each slide (about one minute per slide is the average time needed to reach the five-minutes required for this narration), hit the space bar to advance to the next slide. Add narration to each slide–the sound will be converted to files and added to each slide so the slide show will play with the sounds automatically if opened.6) Save your PPT presentation with narration to a .pptx file. Save a copy in more than one location. Do not risk losing your only copy.7) If for any reason, you are not happy with the PPT or its narration, just re-do a slide or the narration. Make sure your submitted file has slides and narration. Half credit for no sound. Everything must be in Spanish.You may submit your Narrated PPT electronically in D2L. Please don’t send me your PPT in any way other than those described in step 6, for example, no YouTube, no special video formats, no fancy zip files, please.I’ll do the narration myself.