1. you need to research about honda gx 160 engine dissection .2. when you finish researching you start the report .3. no complexity needed just general dissection approach

I. Course Info: CRN: 23141 M: 3:30 AM – 5:10 PM PSC 138
II. Course Content & Goals:
Credit: 2 hours
Prerequisites: BIOL 2107K
Description: This course is a survey of research methodology with an emphasis on the projects’ specific
hypotheses and aims, methodology, and the analyses of possible outcomes. Discussions will include
applications and limitations of current techniques in biological research.
III. Required and Optional Texts
There is required text for the course (see info below). Additional materials (manuscripts, handouts, etc.)
for the course will be posted to D2L and referenced in class if available.
A Short Guide to Writing About Biology. Jan A. Pechenik. 8th edition. Pearson.
IV. Student Learning Outcomes:
 To strengthen understanding of scientific method and experimental design, with an emphasis on
hypothesis testing.
 To examine applications and limitations of current techniques in biological research.
 To improve scientific literacy through reading and discussion of scientific papers.
V. Grading and Assignment Policy
There is no attendance policy for this course beyond the Middle Georgia State College guidelines;
however, missed lectures and assignments will contribute to the inability to pass the course. Grades will
be posted on D2L (Desire to Learn) so that they may be accessed on a regular basis. The grading system
is the standard 10 point scale (90-100 = A, 80-89 = B, 70-79 = C, 60-69 = D, Below 59 = F) based upon
the percentage of total points earned.
Methods Presentation 50%
Participation and Attendance 30%
Assignments 20%

The presentation grade will be broken down into several portions and will include a final presentation at
the end of the semester.

SCIE 2998 Spring 2020 Page 2
VI. Miscellaneous Policies
MGA Code of Conduct: The Student Code of Conduct is included in the MGA Student Handbook and
is available online at


The institutional penalty for academic misconduct is a grade of zero for the work involved and will be
upheld in this course.
Technical Policy: A plagiarism prevention service is used in evaluation of written work submitted for
this course. As directed by the instructor, students are expected to submit or have their assignments
submitted through the service in order to meet requirements for this course. The papers may be retained
by the service for sole purpose of checking for plagiarized content in future student submissions.

Policy on Disability Accommodations: Students seeking ADA accommodations must contact Middle
Georgia State University Office of Disability Services. No accommodations will be allowed without the
authorization of this office.
Student Success Center (SSC): Tutoring is available for most MGA classes free of charge on all of five

of the MGA campuses. Please visit the SSC website at for more information on schedules and locations.

Class Attendance Policy: Student attendance is taken in accordance with the attendance policy in the
Academic Catalog. “Students whose number of absences is more than twice the number of class meetings
per week may be assigned a failing grade for the course at the discretion of the instructor. Students, who
have more absences than the number of class meetings per week, but less than twice the number of class
meetings per week, may be penalized at the discretion of the instructor. Students who have absences
which are less than or equal to the number of class meetings per week will not be penalized.”
Withdrawal Policy: Students may withdraw from the course and earn a grade of “W” up to and
including the midterm date, which occurs on MARCH 16

th. After midterm, students who withdraw will
receive a grade of “WF”. The MGA Withdrawal Form is available online or in the Office of the Registrar.

Delayed opening or closing of the University: Should the University be closed due to unforeseen
circumstances, you should come to the next class meeting prepared for whatever assignment/test was
scheduled for that day.

You can also get the answer to this paper securely, anonymously. The paper shall be original with an accompanying originality report.