Task Description
You are going to research, plan and write up a report of 1,500
words (+/-10%).
The aim of this research project is to find and read academic books
and journal articles focussing on a specific topic or research
question and then write a report that combines your own ideas and
views with information, data and arguments that you have
discovered in your background reading. This report has a
weighting of 60%.
Option One
Our economy now seems to run on the Internet.
Write a report on the ‘Digital Economy:
Promises and Dangers in the age of networked
Option Two
Digital currency is becoming popular, write a report
on the ‘Risks and Returns of Cryptocurrency’ [do
not forget to investigate the high volatility of
cryptocurrency prices; offer recommendations]
Option Three
According to Rezvani and Khosravi (2019, p. 139),
“Information Systems Development (ISD) projects
are experiencing increased rates of failure”.
Investigate the relationship between emotional
intelligence and the success or failure of software
developers working on information system projects.
Further Task Description
You are required to do some background reading, prepare a plan to
complete your report. The report must contain the following:
An Introduction [contextual background to your topic, definition of
key concepts, the aim(s)/purpose(s) of the report, brief outline of the
report structure].
Evidence from the literature.
Conclusions and recommendations (where necessary).
List of References
Marking Criteria
You will be assessed on:
Task response & criticality (25%)
Structure & organisation (25%)
Use of sources (25%)
Language & coherence (25%)
This report is due for submission online
in Week 10.
The deadline is not negotiable. Failure to
submit on or before the deadline means
your mark will be capped.