This unit’s discussion is designed to help you maintain metacognition about your writing. “Metacognition” is a term that means “thinking about your thinking.” Maintaining metacognitive awareness of your writing process will help you apply what you learn in this class to future writing. After all, just following orders or working through pre-ordained steps is the opposite of thinking critically!
This unit, we turn our attention to an important element of academic writing: peer review. As we will see, peer review is one of the things that separates academic writing from other types of writing.
Answer all the questions below
What is your experience with peer review, peer editing, peer workshop, and/or peer feedback in and out of school
In what contexts have you given other people feedback on their writing
In what contexts have you received feedback on your writing
What value have you gotten out of peer review or peer feedback in the past
What has been helpful
What has not been helpful
Why do you think so many writing classes devote so much time to peer review
Reading resource:
Lecture is in the attached file