- demonstrate the ability to observe a subject completing an activity and demonstrate professional and ethical behaviors.
2. Using the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework, 4th edition as a reference, the student will be able to document a detailed description of their subject including information on their socio-cultural context.
3. The student will be able to give an accurate description of their subject completing a selected activity.
4. From these observations, the student will be able to correctly identify and apply life span theories to understand and explain the subject’s biological status and social/emotion status.
1. Description of subject: Refer to table 5 and table 2 in the practice framework to provide a brief history of subject’s socio-cultural context; make sure to include cultural, personal, physical, social and spiritual domains when describing the subject’s context of performance.
2. Description of activity: Select one activity to observe and document your subject’s performance; it is highly recommended that the activity observed include interactions with another subject in the environment.
3. Comment or discuss how this assignment has influenced your perception of looking at the literature to develop professionalism.