Conflict Management Style Exercise

Assignment 2d: Conflict Management Style Exercise
Due Jun 4 by 11:59pm Points 35 Submitting a file upload
Objective: Explain the conflict management styles
The conflict management styles tool has been used extensively since the 1970s.
Read Hocker & Wilmot, Ch. 5.
Write a 1-2-page response about Working with Conflict Management Styles.
Summarize the styles and how they help analyze conflict
What is the value of the styles
What are the potential drawbacks
Which style do you use most often
How does your style change depending on your conflict partner or circumstances
If you use a source to support your writing, use APA formatting style.
35-Pt Response Rubric
35-Pt Response Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
14 pts
Full Marks
Content is relevant with concrete examples and sound reasoning. References cited support topic, validate facts, and are well-integrated.
12.5 pts
Above Average
Content is relevant, but somewhat lacks concrete examples, sound reasoning, and/or validation through cited resources.
11 pts
Content is relevant, but substantially lacks concrete examples, sound reasoning, and/or validation through cited resources.
14 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation
14 pts
Full Marks
Paper contains a clear flow of introduction, body, and conclusion. Paper presents clear message with consistent tone and appropriate formatting.
12.5 pts
Above Average
Paper has minor errors with flow between components or contains minor inconsistencies with message or tone.
11 pts
Paper lacks clear flow between components or needs clearer language and/or formatting consistency.
14 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics
7 pts
Full Marks
Writing contains very few grammatical errors, and citations are correctly formatted.
6.3 pts
Above Average
Writing contains some grammatical errors that do not detract from paper, and/or resources are cited based on the assigned formatting style.
5.5 pts
Writing contains some grammatical errors that detract from paper, and/or resources are incorrectly cited.
7 pts
Total Points: 35SHOW LESS

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