Rhetorical elements in Alice Wong’s “The Last Straw”

Compose a writing in which you DISCUSS (not just name) each of the following rhetorical elements in Alice Wong’s “The Last Straw”: rhetor, audience, exigence, constraints, context, text, and the rhetorical appeals used in it. Because this assignment is designed to check whether you understand the elements of rhetorical situations and can identify them in a text, keep your response brief, but clearly supported. Include enough information to show that you see how the elements of the rhetorical situation interact within the text and enhance your understanding of it. Give examples of Wong using Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. Essay needs to be at least two pages.
Link to Alice Wong’s “The Last Straw”: https://www.eater.com/2018/7/19/17586742/plastic-straw-ban-disabilities

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