Draft an argument that makes the claim that your rhetorical artifact uses the rhetorical appeals either singly or in combination to achieve its purpose (or not) and post your explanation and the artifact (in the form of a link, image, or text) to the thread representing the rhetorical appeal you think it uses most effectively. For instance, if you think your rhetorical artifact is weak on logos but effectively uses pathos, post it (in the form of a link, image, or text) to the pathos thread and state why you think pathos is the appeal it uses most effectively. Also, see if you can identify any explicit or implicit logical fallacies in the rhetorical artifact, whether or not you chose logos as its most effective appeal.
What additional appeals might this rhetorical artifact be using
In what additional ways is this rhetorical artifact using the appeals already mentioned by the author of the post
How could the rhetorical artifact more effectively use any of the rhetorical appeals
Do you think that the rhetorical artifact ultimately achieves its purpose for its intended audience
Why or why not
Might some of the appeals used by this artifact work better for audiences other than the intended audience
Are there any logical fallacies that weaken the logos of the rhetorical artifact
Writers choice, can be a logo, picture, song etc.