Supported Conversation Written Assignment

Assignment :
Supported Conversation
Written Assignment
Course Code: ComDis
Course Name: Communication Disorders
Version: March 2020
Assignment: Supported Conversation
Materials and Resources
Assignment Description
As OTAs, you may be working with individuals who have Aphasia.
• Your clients may have difficulties speaking, understanding what others say, reading and writing.
• They usually know more than they can verbally communicate.
• Therefore, accurate exchange of information, opinions and feelings is often challenging, yet of utmost importance in meeting your clients’ needs.
This assignment is designed to familiarize yourself with resources and techniques used in Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCATM ), developed through the Aphasia Institute. SCATM is built on the foundation of acknowledging and revealing competence. Acknowledging competence entails use of techniques that show adults with Aphasia that you know they are inherently competent. Revealing competence entails use of techniques that facilitate the exchange of information between you and the individual with Aphasia.
For this assignment, you will be using SCATM resources (e.g., pictographic resources), most of which you will access through the Aphasia Institute website. You will be working individually to acquire and prepare your resources, and provide a written and pictorial outline of how you, as an OTA, would use SCATM resources to effectively communicate with your client. You are to consider how a 10-15 communication session/conversation with your client may unfold. This assignment will be graded by your instructor and is worth 15% of your overall grade.
Note: For this assignment you are required to have a printed copy of the SCATM pictographs you plan to use with your client. Plan at least a few days in advance, preferably no later than DAY 2 of the ComDis course, to ensure you have time to order, download and print the SCATM resources from the Aphasia Institute. The PDF materials you will be downloading are free of charge. If you do not have a computer or printer at home, let your instructor know.
Tips on how to use the pictographic resources are provided in the booklets you will be downloading through the Aphasia Institute website. For information on formal training opportunities in use of Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCATM ), please visit
Assignment steps
1. Access Aphasia Institute website – On-Line Store, Working Together series. Use the link below:
2. Complete the following steps, in the order outlined:
a. Click ‘Select Options’ under the first title you wish to ‘‘purchase”.
Note: At the very least, for this assignment, select the following from the Working Together series:
 Using the Conversational Supports
 One of the following three individual topics that you wish to converse with your client on during the role play phase of this assignment
• Daily Living
• Recreation and Leisure
• Falls Prevention
You will be e-mailed your downloadable selections from the Aphasia Institute.
Note: In addition to the required selections for the assignment, you may select as many titles from the Working Together series as you wish to be e-mailed to you. However, because of the file size of the ‘Complete Series’, you may experience difficulty sending that file to another location (e.g., from your personal e-mail address to your triOS e-mail address). You may therefore want to select individual publications as opposed to the full Working Together series.
3. Download and print off Using the Conversational Supports and your single other selection (i.e., Daily Living, Recreation and Leisure, or Falls Prevention).
• You are required to have a printed copy of both of those resources for the assignment.
• Read Using the Conversational Supports and your other selection (individual topic), and consider how you would use those resources with your client during a conversation related to your topic of choice.
********Client Profile:
• For this assignment, assume that your client is 70 years old and is recovering from a left hemisphere CVA. They have mild right sided weakness, mild visual neglect on the right side, and mild Wernicke’s Aphasia (receptive aphasia). Your client has some difficulty understanding what you say and their speech is sometimes not normal (jargon). They also have some difficulty reading and writing. Your client has increased success understanding what you say if key words are used, along with pictures.

5. Create a plan for communication (questions you will ask, how you will ask them, resources you will use, etc.).
• Be clear on your topic and plan to ask a minimum of 10 questions.
• You need to get enough information to formulate a plan for next treatment steps.
• Also be cognizant of your 10-15 minute conversation time frame.
***Note: At minimum, use words, gestures, writing (e.g., print key words), and pictographs to enable effective communication between you and your client.
• When writing key words, use large, dark, clear print and only a few words per page.
• Because this is a written assignment due to campus closures (as opposed to a role play), if you are using gestures to communicate, you will be required to briefly describe them in your paper.
• If needed, for ideas review the Aphasia Institute’s On-Line Self-Directed Learning Module: Communication with Those Who Know More Than They Can Say: An Introduction to Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCA™). This was assigned as homework on Day 2.
6. Collect any other materials you will be using during the treatment session, in addition the picture (pictograph) resources you downloaded from the Aphasia Institute.
• It is your responsibility to provide all necessary resources for this assignment (e.g., pictographs, pencil, marker, paper, objects, etc.).
• It is strongly recommended that you gather the materials and role play your treatment session to the best of your ability at home in order to practice and provide adequate related detail for this written assignment.
• Converse at a relaxed pace to allow your client time to process the information answer the questions asked.
7. E-mail completed assignment to instructor, to include written report and description or pictures/photographs of resources used. If photographs are attached, ensure the pictures are clearly labelled or referred to appropriately in the body of the report.
See Grading Rubric (attached).
Evaluation Breakdown: 15% of final grade (peer graded)
Criteria Marks In order to achieve top marks the student must:
Enter conversation 2 • Clearly introduce self
• Clearly introduce topic
Distractions 2 • Limit distractions (visual and auditory)
• Treatment area has only the immediate resources required for the session
Non-linguistics 2 • Use gestures in addition to simple speech (provide written examples)
• Make eye contact
Paralinguistics 3 • Use appropriate tone of voice (provide written description of tone)
• Use appropriate rate of speech
• Give client time to speak
Errors 2
• Downplay errors
• Praise efforts to speak
Instructions 2
When giving instructions:
• Break into simple steps
• Emphasize key words
Questions 3
When asking questions:
• Ask one question at time
• Simplify sentence structure (use key words)
• Limit choices
Resources 2
• Have all resources required (e.g., pictographs, black marker/sharpie, pencil, paper, objects)
• Use resources appropriately
Organization 2
• Be well organized during the session (e.g., use of materials organized; session well sequenced)
Acknowledge Competence:
• Use phrases such as “I know that you know” at appropriate times
• Acknowledge/empathize with frustration
Reveal Competence:
• (Maximum of 2 marks for each of the following three areas)
1. IN – Use and modify techniques to facilitate your client’s understanding
2. OUT – Provide enough techniques for the client to express themselves
3. VERIFY – Check to make sure you understood your client correctly; Confirm successful communication with “yes/no” answers
Close conversation 2 • Close conversation appropriately
• Communicate next step(s)
COMMENTS: DO NOT include a tittle page
Please follow the Assignment steps and Rubric Evaluation Breakdown exactly … The rubric is how we are graded.
PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU PUT THE RUBERIC TITTLE criteria ON EACH OF THE PARAGRAPGHS (e.g DISTRACTIONS, NON -LINGUSTICS, ERRORS ect.. ) This is for my professor to find each of the key rubric points asked for this assignment Assignment :
Supported Conversation
Written Assignment
Course Code: ComDis
Course Name: Communication Disorders
Version: March 2020
Assignment: Supported Conversation
Materials and Resources
Assignment Description
As OTAs, you may be working with individuals who have Aphasia.
• Your clients may have difficulties speaking, understanding what others say, reading and writing.
• They usually know more than they can verbally communicate.
• Therefore, accurate exchange of information, opinions and feelings is often challenging, yet of utmost importance in meeting your clients’ needs.
This assignment is designed to familiarize yourself with resources and techniques used in Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCATM ), developed through the Aphasia Institute. SCATM is built on the foundation of acknowledging and revealing competence. Acknowledging competence entails use of techniques that show adults with Aphasia that you know they are inherently competent. Revealing competence entails use of techniques that facilitate the exchange of information between you and the individual with Aphasia.
For this assignment, you will be using SCATM resources (e.g., pictographic resources), most of which you will access through the Aphasia Institute website. You will be working individually to acquire and prepare your resources, and provide a written and pictorial outline of how you, as an OTA, would use SCATM resources to effectively communicate with your client. You are to consider how a 10-15 communication session/conversation with your client may unfold. This assignment will be graded by your instructor and is worth 15% of your overall grade.
Note: For this assignment you are required to have a printed copy of the SCATM pictographs you plan to use with your client. Plan at least a few days in advance, preferably no later than DAY 2 of the ComDis course, to ensure you have time to order, download and print the SCATM resources from the Aphasia Institute. The PDF materials you will be downloading are free of charge. If you do not have a computer or printer at home, let your instructor know.
Tips on how to use the pictographic resources are provided in the booklets you will be downloading through the Aphasia Institute website. For information on formal training opportunities in use of Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCATM ), please visit
Assignment steps
1. Access Aphasia Institute website – On-Line Store, Working Together series. Use the link below:
2. Complete the following steps, in the order outlined:
a. Click ‘Select Options’ under the first title you wish to ‘‘purchase”.
Note: At the very least, for this assignment, select the following from the Working Together series:
 Using the Conversational Supports
 One of the following three individual topics that you wish to converse with your client on during the role play phase of this assignment
• Daily Living
• Recreation and Leisure
• Falls Prevention
You will be e-mailed your downloadable selections from the Aphasia Institute.
Note: In addition to the required selections for the assignment, you may select as many titles from the Working Together series as you wish to be e-mailed to you. However, because of the file size of the ‘Complete Series’, you may experience difficulty sending that file to another location (e.g., from your personal e-mail address to your triOS e-mail address). You may therefore want to select individual publications as opposed to the full Working Together series.
3. Download and print off Using the Conversational Supports and your single other selection (i.e., Daily Living, Recreation and Leisure, or Falls Prevention).
• You are required to have a printed copy of both of those resources for the assignment.
• Read Using the Conversational Supports and your other selection (individual topic), and consider how you would use those resources with your client during a conversation related to your topic of choice.
********Client Profile:
• For this assignment, assume that your client is 70 years old and is recovering from a left hemisphere CVA. They have mild right sided weakness, mild visual neglect on the right side, and mild Wernicke’s Aphasia (receptive aphasia). Your client has some difficulty understanding what you say and their speech is sometimes not normal (jargon). They also have some difficulty reading and writing. Your client has increased success understanding what you say if key words are used, along with pictures.

5. Create a plan for communication (questions you will ask, how you will ask them, resources you will use, etc.).
• Be clear on your topic and plan to ask a minimum of 10 questions.
• You need to get enough information to formulate a plan for next treatment steps.
• Also be cognizant of your 10-15 minute conversation time frame.
***Note: At minimum, use words, gestures, writing (e.g., print key words), and pictographs to enable effective communication between you and your client.
• When writing key words, use large, dark, clear print and only a few words per page.
• Because this is a written assignment due to campus closures (as opposed to a role play), if you are using gestures to communicate, you will be required to briefly describe them in your paper.
• If needed, for ideas review the Aphasia Institute’s On-Line Self-Directed Learning Module: Communication with Those Who Know More Than They Can Say: An Introduction to Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCA™). This was assigned as homework on Day 2.
6. Collect any other materials you will be using during the treatment session, in addition the picture (pictograph) resources you downloaded from the Aphasia Institute.
• It is your responsibility to provide all necessary resources for this assignment (e.g., pictographs, pencil, marker, paper, objects, etc.).
• It is strongly recommended that you gather the materials and role play your treatment session to the best of your ability at home in order to practice and provide adequate related detail for this written assignment.
• Converse at a relaxed pace to allow your client time to process the information answer the questions asked.
7. E-mail completed assignment to instructor, to include written report and description or pictures/photographs of resources used. If photographs are attached, ensure the pictures are clearly labelled or referred to appropriately in the body of the report.
See Grading Rubric (attached).
Evaluation Breakdown: 15% of final grade (peer graded)
Criteria Marks In order to achieve top marks the student must:
Enter conversation 2 • Clearly introduce self
• Clearly introduce topic
Distractions 2 • Limit distractions (visual and auditory)
• Treatment area has only the immediate resources required for the session
Non-linguistics 2 • Use gestures in addition to simple speech (provide written examples)
• Make eye contact
Paralinguistics 3 • Use appropriate tone of voice (provide written description of tone)
• Use appropriate rate of speech
• Give client time to speak
Errors 2
• Downplay errors
• Praise efforts to speak
Instructions 2
When giving instructions:
• Break into simple steps
• Emphasize key words
Questions 3
When asking questions:
• Ask one question at time
• Simplify sentence structure (use key words)
• Limit choices
Resources 2
• Have all resources required (e.g., pictographs, black marker/sharpie, pencil, paper, objects)
• Use resources appropriately
Organization 2
• Be well organized during the session (e.g., use of materials organized; session well sequenced)
Acknowledge Competence:
• Use phrases such as “I know that you know” at appropriate times
• Acknowledge/empathize with frustration
Reveal Competence:
• (Maximum of 2 marks for each of the following three areas)
1. IN – Use and modify techniques to facilitate your client’s understanding
2. OUT – Provide enough techniques for the client to express themselves
3. VERIFY – Check to make sure you understood your client correctly; Confirm successful communication with “yes/no” answers
Close conversation 2 • Close conversation appropriately
• Communicate next step(s)
COMMENTS: DO NOT include a tittle page
Please follow the Assignment steps and Rubric Evaluation Breakdown exactly … The rubric is how we are graded.
PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU PUT THE RUBERIC TITTLE criteria ON EACH OF THE PARAGRAPGHS (e.g DISTRACTIONS, NON -LINGUSTICS, ERRORS ect.. ) This is for my professor to find each of the key rubric points asked for this assignment

You can also get the answer to this paper securely, anonymously. The paper shall be original with an accompanying originality report.