Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders: Focus on PTSD

Case Study: Johnny is a 12-year-old student at Hometown Middle School. Six weeks ago, he witnessed a fight lunchtime between two students at the adjacent table in the cafeteria. During the fight, a knife was pulled and its use resulted in serious injury to one of the students. Emergency medical services (EMS) were called, and the student was removed via ambulance. Since that day, Johnny has had frequent nightmares in which he revisits the fight scene. He has refused to eat lunch in the cafeteria and instead hides in the bathroom during the lunch hour. Once this was discovered, he was brought to the guidance counsellor, and his mother was called to the school. Johnny insists that the cafeteria isn’t safe, and in a discussion with the guidance counsellor his mother mentions that Johnny insists on keeping a kitchen knife at his bedside table. Further evaluation of Johnny’s school performance demonstrates that his grades have fallen from their usual level.
The biopsychosocial model of health psychology incorporates biological, social and psychological factors.
Your assignment should include the sections listed below. Each section will focus on stress-related behaviours, referral for services, risk factors, and management and prevention of a stress-related disorder. Answer the following questions, citing information from the specified resource(s) to support your writing and any statements of fact. Each question should be answered in a separate section, with a minimum of at least one paragraph (minimum of three sentences). In addition to the specified resources for each section, you may include additional scholarly or peer-reviewed references relating to the topic question, but this is not required. Be sure to synthesize the information provided in the class resources regarding the factors affecting Johnny’s behaviours and choices.
The following sections should be used as headers in your paper so that the content is organized, as outlined below:
Section One – Diagnosis: Using the American Psychiatric Association’s (2013) diagnostic criteria from DSM-5, evaluate Johnny’s situatio Based on DSM-5 criteria, is he suffering from PTSD
Required resource: DSM-5
Section Two – Rescue Workers: What steps could rescue workers have taken to reduce the stress response of any children observing the knife fight
Required resource: Helping children and adolescents cope with violence and disasters: Police, fire, and other first responders: What rescue workers can do.
Section Three – Parents: What steps can Johnny’s parents take to help their child
Required resource: Helping children and adolescents cope with disasters and other traumatic events: What parents, rescue workers, and the community can do.
Section Four – Referral Criteria: What symptoms indicate referral to a mental health care specialist
Should Johnny be referred
Why or why not
Required resources: Helping children and adolescents cope with disasters and other traumatic events: What parents, rescue workers, and the community can do; Helping children and adolescents cope with violence and disasters: Police, fire, and other first responders: What rescue workers can do; Coping with stress after a traumatic event.
Section Five – Preventing School Violence: What methods can be used to prevent school violence
Required resource: Understanding School Violence.
Section Six – Risk Factors for Youth Violence: What are the risk factors that predict violent behaviours in youth
Required resource: Understanding Youth Violence.
Section Seven – Risk Factors for PTSD: What are the risk factors and resilience factors regarding the development PTSD
Required resource: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Section Eight – Treatments for PTSD: What treatments are available for PTSD
Required resource: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
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