The importance of big data in organizations

Think of how data is being collected in our society. Our phones, appliances, automobiles, and social platforms provide rich content that cannot be processed as quickly as it is collected, which has created a need for different approaches to analyze data and understand consumer motivations. Access the links below to find out more on the topic of Data Analytics — the trends and use of analytical tools in a dynamically growing world.
Then explain WHY a career in Data Analytics MAY be a good fit for you OR WHY a career in Data Analytics MAY NOT be a good fit.
Your response should incorporate details of your research on the topic of Data Analytics.
For instance, how much schooling is required
How areĀ businessesĀ using analytical software
Are you a creative, analytical, or logical person and what role could you play in the field
How would the demands of the job fit with your lifestyle
What compromises would you be willing to make
Is there a future for you in this field

You can also get the answer to this paper securely, anonymously. The paper shall be original with an accompanying originality report.