Carefully edit your draft, paying close attention to citation format, syntax, diction, and document design. Make your final draft as close to publishable quality as you can manage.
Assignment Reminders
Your goal is to study how people write and research in a particular discourse community, through research, observation, and description.
Your informative report should be written to an audience of your classmates and other interested scholars.
Your report should use IMRaD structure: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion.
Your report should include a visual aid that helps your audience understand the communication practices you studied.
Requirements and Specifications
The ultimate “deliverable” of this assignment is a report. The genre of the report usually uses a straightforward structure, often with sub-headings. Your report should use the “IMRaD” structure: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. This clear structure helps your readers understand the motivations of your research, relevant background from previous scholars, your research methods, your findings, and an exploration of what your findings mean.
Your report should make direct reference to at least one of our readings on discourse community.
Use MLA guidelines for source citation and document design.
Your report must include a visual aid that helps your readers understand the communication practices of your discourse community.
Use the attached files to write Major Writing Assignment 2