Langston Hughes: Annotated Bibliography

This assignment topic is related to your Poetry Project Presentation. Your research must be based on your poet and related time period.
For this assignment, you must find 5 secondary sources (articles from the Online Library) and write an annotation for each. The 5 sources must be based on at least two different literary critical approaches, such as Biographical, Historical, Sociological, Psychological, etc. The articles should be based on topics about your poets and the time period, not examples of their work (like poems).
Before beginning your research, take a look at the course content for help understanding the research topic and the annotated bibliography: Weeks 8 & 9 -in Review
Assignment Requirements:
5 secondary sources with citation and annotations
This includes the 3 sources you posted for the Collecting Articles assignment.
All sources from the Campus Online Library Databases (use different databases for each one)
Arrange by Alphabetical Order
MLA Style formatting
Hanging indentation: hanging indentation is paragraph that has all lines but the first indented. Only the first line of each citation should be aligned with the margin.

You can also get the answer to this paper securely, anonymously. The paper shall be original with an accompanying originality report.