chemistry IA on catalase decomposition reaction (potato/hydrogen peroxide mixtures to emit oxygen gas). The volume of gas collected at varying temperatures via water bath
– include 1-page max short background with a literature review of the science behind catalysts. The bulk of it should be higher-order concepts – feedback inhibition and the research on hydroxylamine
– do not need to include personal engagement, experiment methodology, experimental procedures, or table of data in the paper as I have done that already
– include self-drawn experimental set-up with a water bath
– include graph (volume against temp) with a best fit mathematical equation, add in error margin into data based on instrument precision, conduct error analysis
– please create another graph and data of a control set up with something besides potato to show the impact of the catalyst.
– focus on results analysis, explain turning point, plot ln graph based on Arrhenius equation to find activation energy, discuss extensions to project
– please include a plagiarism report