Early childhood education and care settings provide inclusive and responsive programs for
diverse population of children. To ensure high quality of the programs ECEs work with colleagues and
community partners, and use pedagogical practices that promote equitable access and learning
opportunities in all areas of curriculum.
With this assignment, learners will experience the importance of partnerships with Resource
Consultants, work collaboratively to create visual aid tools, adaptations and modifications to one
program area to meet the needs and encourage full participation in the program for all children.
Course Learning Outcomes Met
• Apply all aspects of the curriculum to promote development of all children that includes a focus
on self-regulation
• Formulate individually responsive and inclusive programs that support all children in early
learning environments;
• Apply strategies of collaborative and sustainable partnerships in practice to facilitate high
quality early learning programs;
• Apply adaptations and Universal Design for Learning principles to promote access to all aspects
of early learning curriculum indoors and outdoors.
This assignment has three components/parts that build on one another. The learners will need
to complete all parts to receive full marks.
Part 1 (Individual) – 5%
Attend a webinar/online meeting with Resource Consultants (RCs) to learn more about the role
of the RCs, the strategies and tools they use to support children with diverse abilities and their
educators. See Critical Path for dates. Attendance of the webinar/online meeting is
mandatory. Attendance and participation are graded individually from Part 2 and 3 components and
are worth 5%. Learners who are unable to attend will need to contact their professor at least 24 hours
prior to the webinar/meeting.
You may choose to complete Parts 2 and 3 of the assignment individually or in pairs. If you
choose to work in pairs then, before you begin the next two parts, complete the Partner Contract
Part 2– 10 %
Following the webinar/ online meeting, class discussions and readings, reflect on the types of
visual aid tools educators can use to assist children. Choose and create one (1) type of visual aid from
the list below to assist children with tasks and transitions. Identify the age group of children whom you
are making the visual aid for. The visual aid should include minimum 5 choices. Make sure that one of
the items identified in your visual aid includes music.
- Circle or Group time boards
- Schedules
- First/Then board
- I want board
- Song choice board
Go to the ConnectAbility web site (https://connectability.ca/visuals-engine/ ) to support you
with creating the visuals for the visual tool of your choice. When creating your visuals, only use the
images provided by ConnectAbility’s Visuals Engine, no Google or other types of images should be used
for this assignment.
ECE 232 – 2021/2022 ACADEMIC YEAR 2
Assemble the visual aid tool and attach a photo of your work to the assignment. Make sure it
looks professional and is durable for use in a classroom or with a child. You may choose to print the
visual using cardstock (heavy white paper) or plain white paper; laminate (professionally, or with tape,
Mactac, etc.), add Velcro, binder rings or key chain where appropriate. See course learning materials
and class notes for examples of visual aid tools to support you with this task. Note: a printout of photos
from ConnectAbility is not a complete visual aid tool.
Write a description of why you chose this visual and way of assembling it. Describe how the
visual aid you created supports the child (i.e. communication, self-regulation, and inclusion in play)? In
your response, refer to your visual aid tool, course readings and content.
Part 3– 20%
Once you create a visual aid to support children’s transitions, think about a music experience
that children can transition to. The aim is to encourage participation for all children and promote self-
regulation skills, rhythm and rhyme, language, and group engagement. For this assignment, the music
experience will consist of three (3) different types of songs and assistive materials/props for each song.
When choosing and preparing props/materials for each song you need to consider:
• Songs that represent diversity of experiences and backgrounds of all children including: Class,
Race, Religion, Sex, Gender, Sexuality, Culture, Ability, Language, Age, Ethnicity, Size
(height/weight), Family composition, Nationality or Place of Origin, Nation.
• Music is a learning experience for the child; therefore, use songs with themes the children can
relate to as some songs may not be appropriate for all children.
With your assignment submission include:
• Names of the three (3) songs, their authors and source.
• The lyrics for the children to see (or lyrics and visuals). If the song is a part of an oral tradition,
you will need to record the lyrics and cite the origin of the song.
• An image of the props/materials that you created for each song and an explanation of how each
could encourage activity and participation of all children.
• Description of two (2) adaptations or modifications to each song or set of props/materials
considering children may have challenges with attention, language, and/or movement.
• Refer to course learning materials in all your responses.
You may choose how you present the responses to Parts 2 and 3. Some of the tools you can
choose to use include Power Point, Infographic, Report, and/or Video. Please consult with your faculty if
you would like to use a tool that is not listed above.
Submit Parts 2 and 3 via the corresponding Blackboard Dropbox only. Any other submissions will
not be accepted. Remember to follow Humber’s Academic Integrity policies.