Using the CSU Online Library, select a case that interests you personally. Discuss the case thoroughly as if you were presenting this case to a colleague who knows nothing about it. Once you finish researching the specific case, draft a three-page paper in proper APA Style format, consisting of the following elements:
the facts of the case,
the legal issue,
the legal principle applied in the case,
the holding and reasoning of the majority, and
a summary of any concurrences and dissents.
Your case study must be a minimum of three full pages. You are required to use at least the article as an outside resource.
It may be helpful to view the following library video tutorial How to Search for Cases in Nexis Uni. You may also view the video transcript How to Search for Cases in Nexis Uni.
Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.