Read the following:
In TMHG, Chapter 10, “Writing to Evaluate.”
In TSIS, review the “Introduction” as well as Parts 1 and 2 (which were assigned in ENG 101).
- Write a 1,500 – 2,000 word evaluation of a specific book, film, television show, product, service,
policy, procedure, exhibit, lecture, restaurant, concert, sports event, or some other special public
event you recently attended or place you recently visited. - Outside sources are not required for this assignment, but if you feel it necessary to draw on
additional outside sources to support your own ideas, then use a combination of summary,
paraphrase, and quotation from your sources, but no more than 10% (150 – 200 words) of the
ENG 201: Intermediate Composition, ©2021 Central Michigan University A1: Writing to Evaluate
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proposal should consist of quoted material. Instead, rely on summary and paraphrase. And as you
should have learned in ENG 101, all information from sources—whether quoted, paraphrased, or
summarized, whether words or images—must be cited. Keep in mind, though, that your voice, not
your sources’, should be most prominent in your review.