Author name: Dominic N

DNA methylation markers in plasma identified by next-generation sequencing from breast cancer patients

Into the submitted project description is a little bit of the introduction. I want more complementary text. In theory, I want to start with what epigenetics is and how it is regulated. This involves methylation, histone modification, and activity of non-coding RNA such as micro RNA and the effect of non-coding repeating regions in the …

DNA methylation markers in plasma identified by next-generation sequencing from breast cancer patients Read More »

Against Nuclear Energy

Determine the problems posed by nuclear energy production to humanhealth and the environment.

Nuclear Physics of Neutron Stars

The presentation must be about the topic of an article (attached) on the nuclear physics of neutron stars. I have already started but need help finishing it. I would need slides starting at the ” Outer Crust” chapter of the article until the end (anything before can be left as is and used as a reference to …

Nuclear Physics of Neutron Stars Read More »

What are the two evolutionary outcomes that may result from this ecological interaction?

Competition for space is arguably one of the most important factors inshaping rocky intertidal communities. What species are the most affected bycompetition, and which is the least? Consider two species that are competing intensely over a long period of time, what are the two evolutionary outcomes that may result from this ecological interaction? Explain.

Factors that affect population growth or decline.

What type of population growth pattern is most commonly found in naturalpopulations? Explain why, using some specific examples of the factors that affect population growth or decline. Be sure to include how predators and prey affect each other’s population growth dynamics. Why is predation often important in maintaining community diversity?

What are life-history strategies and how do they vary across living organisms?

What are life-history strategies and how do they vary across livingorganisms? What environmental factors influence the evolution of life-history strategies?Provide examples that represent K-selected species and r-selected species. How can life-history strategies help ecologists predict population growth patterns?

Explain how this can impact your mental health, metabolism,
and muscular health

Compare how a Western diet vs. a Mediterranean diet affects your gutmicrobiome composition. Explain how this can impact your mental health, metabolism, and muscular health using evidence from the papers you read in the group discussion about this topic. Be sure to explain the relevant physiology associated with your examples.