Author name: Dominic N

Physics 7.2 essay: Unified atomic mass unit

Understandings:• The unified atomic mass unit• Mass defect and nuclear binding energy• Nuclear fission and nuclear fusionApplications and skills:• Solving problems involving the energy released in radioactive decay, nuclear fission and fusion• Sketching and interpreting the general shape of the curve of average binding energy per nucleon against nucleon number

Using Benedict’s reagent to detect and quantitatively determine the concentration of simple sugars present in five different types.

I wrote the background information, half of the personal engagement (incomplete), the data, and on of the data analyzed briefly (Table 6: Titration results using Raw Honey including analysis of the amount of honey used and approximate values of fructose and glucose in the sample used) and wrote the methodology. I left the introduction, hypothesis, …

Using Benedict’s reagent to detect and quantitatively determine the concentration of simple sugars present in five different types. Read More »

Theory of knowledge: To what extent might scientific discoveries that have been described as being the result of luck 

The role of luck/serendipity in successful scientific discovery is almost inevitably accompanied by a scientifically curious mind that will pursue the outcome of the “lucky” event. To what extent might scientific discoveries that have been described as being the result of luck actually be better described as being the result of reason or intuition.

Physics Unit 7.1: Discrete energy and discrete energy levels

Write a 1500 word essay explaining all of the below about 7.1 and also answering the TOK questions. Understandings:Discrete energy and discrete energy levelsTransitions between energy levelsRadioactive decayFundamental forces and their propertiesAlpha particles, beta particles, and gamma raysHalf-lifeAbsorption characteristics of decay particlesIsotopesBackground radiationApplications and skills:Describing the emission and absorption spectrum of common gasesSolving problems involving …

Physics Unit 7.1: Discrete energy and discrete energy levels Read More »

Centripetal force

I need an IB math IA for my Analysis SL level class. the subject I have decided on for this assessment is centripetal force. I would like to receive a 16-17 on my paper. below I will attach many supporting documents including criteria and IB information. please make the IA 100% authentic so that it is not similar to …

Centripetal force Read More »

Determining whether a gas obeys all the gas laws

Please aim for a level 6 (refer to rubric). Please use Gr. 12 IB language. include a diagram if possible. Follow IB internal assessment format, please. Refer to the proposal sheet for the aim of the project, please email or text for any questions, please keep me updated.

How does temperature affect voltage produced in a voltaic cell?

Please use the mark scheme I have uploaded to write this IA. The hypothesis, variables, materials, method, conclusion, and evaluation have already been written. Could you please write the introduction which should include personal interest (reason for choosing this topic which I have briefly described in the attached document) and background information on voltaic cells, …

How does temperature affect voltage produced in a voltaic cell? Read More »

How does temperature affect the voltage produced in a voltaic cell?

Please upskill the introduction so that it flows better and add any information required.Fill in the blank spaces left for the half equation.Feel free to upskill any other parts of the IA that could be done better.Could you please write the data analysis and include any graphs required.I will upload the marking rubric and my …

How does temperature affect the voltage produced in a voltaic cell? Read More »