I have attached the Lab manual, lab data and the lab book. It is for experiment #9. This is a very short lab and the deadline is today. Please do the prelab and the lab report as well and also the additional question. Compute yields (both crude and recrystallized, if applicable) for BOTH reactions
Include mechanisms for BOTH reactions by HAND or ChemDraw
Identify the peaks in the IR for the main functional group(s).
Tabulate the yield, mp, and ir data!
Include the following for BOTH reactions
– Comment on the yields and possible errors.
– Comment on the mp range. Are your products pure enough
– Compare reactant and product IR spectra. Which peak you can use to identify product formation
Analyze and compare the two reactions from a green chemistry standpoint! Compare reaction conditions! Which (if any) is ‘greener’ and why
Answer post lab questions
This is a short lab and has to be done today
This is very urgent and a high priority and has to be completed as soon as possible

Message: Hello I have uploaded an assignment for the lab report. It is a high urgent lab report, sorry for that but it has to be completed as soon as possible. Please don’t delay. This was a virtual lab and all the lab data are provided. Please follow the instruction from the lab manual. It has to have: Title of Experiment, objective, table of safety hazards and physical constants, background, Methods, Result and observation, Treatment of result, and the discussion and post-lab question at the end. I just hope it’ll be completed within 5 hours or else I’ll get 0 for this. SO please complete within 5 hours.

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