Chemistry IA

How does temperature affect voltage produced in a voltaic cell?

Please use the mark scheme I have uploaded to write this IA. The hypothesis, variables, materials, method, conclusion, and evaluation have already been written. Could you please write the introduction which should include personal interest (reason for choosing this topic which I have briefly described in the attached document) and background information on voltaic cells, …

How does temperature affect voltage produced in a voltaic cell? Read More »

How does temperature affect the voltage produced in a voltaic cell?

Please upskill the introduction so that it flows better and add any information required.Fill in the blank spaces left for the half equation.Feel free to upskill any other parts of the IA that could be done better.Could you please write the data analysis and include any graphs required.I will upload the marking rubric and my …

How does temperature affect the voltage produced in a voltaic cell? Read More »

The effect of temperature on the rate of a catalase reaction in the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide

chemistry IA on catalase decomposition reaction (potato/hydrogen peroxide mixtures to emit oxygen gas). The volume of gas collected at varying temperatures via water bath– include 1-page max short background with a literature review of the science behind catalysts. The bulk of it should be higher-order concepts – feedback inhibition and the research on hydroxylamine– do not …

The effect of temperature on the rate of a catalase reaction in the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide Read More »