
Rape: The Repercussions for a Woman

This week, you will begin to create an annotated bibliography for the Solving a Problemin Your community course project. In addition to the source you identified in the Week 3discussion, you will find four additional scholarly or academic sources (you will beginthis process this week and continue building your resource collection next week), for atotal of …

Rape: The Repercussions for a Woman Read More »


• First Slide: Title, your name, topic, course, and date• Second Slide: Introduction—In the introduction, you might discuss why you chose your topic and why you think it is important. Provide a clear thesis statement.• Third and Fourth Slides: Problem Analysis—What is causing the problemIs it getting worseWhat will happen if we fail to act• …

Problem-Solution Read More »

Writer’s Choice

Narrative EssayWrite a 500 to 750 word essay using narration as the chief method of development. Make sure that you have viewed the MLA Sample page for formatting purposes. Also, please visit the Writing Lab found on the Course Menu for an example of a narrative essay.Writing AssignmentPurpose: to informMethod of Development: narrationChoose your own …

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Repetitive : A screenplay

Instructions :Please make it goryPsychological horror formatAs eery and disturbing as possibleNo hint that anything’s wrong at the startingSurprise comes only in the end

This is the prompt= (What price is society paying in order to have the things it wants?)

English 103 Fall 2021 Essay 1Argument: The Price We Pay for What we Want100 points (Rough Draft 10; Final Draft 90 = 100) 5 Points Extra Credit for Tutoring Proof OVERVIEWIn this unit we have read two compelling and thought-provoking short stories, “The Ones WhoWalk Away From Omelas” by Ursula K. LeGuin and “The Perfect …

This is the prompt= (What price is society paying in order to have the things it wants?) Read More »

Long-exposure photography

The Short Proposal should consist of two main parts. The first one should provide background information about your topic. For example, explain what this technical aspect is, how it relates to photography, when it was developed, etc. The second part of your Short Proposal should provide a couple arguments explaining why you think your topic …

Long-exposure photography Read More »

How does George Orwell explore the way in which the text represents different themes, attitudes and concepts in “A Hanging”?

The nature of the task At HL, students are required to write a 1,200 –1,500 word formal essay which develops a particular line of inquiry of their own choice in connection with a non-literary text, a collection of non-literary texts by one same author or a literary text or work studied during the course.The HL …

How does George Orwell explore the way in which the text represents different themes, attitudes and concepts in “A Hanging”? Read More »

English LL HL Essay- How does George Orwell use literary technique to change our perspective on capital punishment in his essay “A Hanging”?

Topics: Identity and perspectiveStructure:INTROBody 1: Death penalty dehumanises people beinge executedOpening paragraphsDictionsimilesimagerycharacterisation of the prisoner as dehumanisedBody 2: It is morally wrong and unnatural to kill a man as a punishmentThe characterisation of the prisoner as an equal human being in the paragraph -”Until that moment..”Shift in pronouns from I to weEnumeration of biological functions …

English LL HL Essay- How does George Orwell use literary technique to change our perspective on capital punishment in his essay “A Hanging”? Read More »

Thesis: Chaucer utilizes an unexpected character in The Miller’s Tale to expose the Roman Catholic Church’s hypocrisy and corruption throughout the Middle Ages.

Instructions:1st paragraph: Intro talking about thesis and roman catholic church during middle ages2nd,3rd and 4th: Body paragraphs talk about how the Miller in the General prologue and in theMiller’s Tale depicts the Roman Catholic Church’s hypocrisy and corruption.5th: conclusion, basically concluding everything and why the roman catholic church during themiddle ages was corrupt.Only utilize quotes …

Thesis: Chaucer utilizes an unexpected character in The Miller’s Tale to expose the Roman Catholic Church’s hypocrisy and corruption throughout the Middle Ages. Read More »