
Jekyll and Hyde: How does Stevenson use the contrast between appearance and reality to explore the hypocrisies of Victorian society in his novel The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?

a 1,500 word essay using integrated quotations on the book Jekyll and Hyde answering the question “How does Stevenson use the contrast between appearance and reality to explore the hypocrisies of Victorian society in his novel The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde” requires a construction of a focused, analytical argument examining the …

Jekyll and Hyde: How does Stevenson use the contrast between appearance and reality to explore the hypocrisies of Victorian society in his novel The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde? Read More »

Industrial Clusters

Two countries produce two different items, root beer and cheese. The table below showsthe amounts of each commodity needed to produce one unit (gallons or wheels) of output.Each country starts with 100 units of productive resources. Consumption in each country isequal to production – that is, if trade is warranted, citizens need to receive at …

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Climate change and why we must act now to prevent it

Please write an argumentative paper using the topic I have provided. It should be 4-5 pages long and have a references page with 5 sources. I have also attached a screenshot of some things that could be included in the paper if you desire. 

IB English Language and Literature Individual Oral

This is a 10 minute oral presentation.Check this website to find examples of how it should be done, in order to complete mine in a similar way: https://philpot.education/mod/page/view.phpid=81For my presentation, I will use the following:Global issue: TotalitarianismLiterary text: 1984 by George Orwell (choose an extract from the book, it should be 40 consecutive lines that relate …

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A Doll’s House HL Essay

Essay Question: How does Henrik Ibsen use foil characters to explore gender and identity in his play A Doll’s HouseExplanation of the task:The HL essay is based on the exploration the student has carried out in the learner portfolio. During this exploration process, the student will have investigated a number of works and texts from …

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Research Narrative

A narrative essay tells a story from your life in a way that immerses readers in the experienceand conveys your perspective on the incident both at the time and now.For this assignment, you should write 4-7 pages (not counting cover page or References page) ona topic related to your experience with difference.Some features of successful …

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English HL essay

The title for the essay is: How does Henrik Ibsen use dialogue to explore the restrictions resulting from gender roles in ADHThe material: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/2542/2542-h/2542-h.htm


Use this outline template to organize your ideas in preparation for your final paper in Week 5.Delete the instructive text in each section and replace it with your own writing. You do notneed to write the full paragraph for each section. You are just developing the main ideas in anoutline. However, the more detail you …

Antidepressants Read More »