Character analysis of Ma Rainey

Quote the play between 6 and 10 times and quote Shannon and Davis’ articles 3 times each. Remember to use the term dialogue and at least one other literary term.
Preform a character analysis of Ma Rainey
What are her deepest desires
How does her social situation create obstacles for the achievement of the desires
How does she try to achieve those desires and resist the limits of her social situation in her singing the Blues and I. Her dealings with 2-4 of the following characters: Irvin, Sturdyvant, Dussie Mae, Sylvester, Levee or one of the other band members
Does she achieve some or all of her desires
Why or why not
Question for the final paragraph: By the end of the play, do you see Ma Rainey as someone whose thinking and actions are a good example, a bad example, or a mixed example for musical professionals of color ( or if you wish, musical professionals in general) today

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