Current and resistance

The goal of the reflective paper assignment is to help you to think about physics, and how it relates to your major or an area of interest and to promote a deeper understanding of both.
Writing prompt: Select a topic from your major or an area of interest (MICROBIOLOGY). The topic could be a concept, application, or phenomenon. Describe your topic to a reader outside your field, then use physics covered in this course PHYSICS 2 to further describe your chosen topic. This should be a qualitative discussion and not an equation. Requirements: Clearly and concisely address the writing prompt: Describe/define your chosen topic, Correctly apply the physics to your chosen topic. The physics must be from this course PHYSICS 2 and of general knowledge to students enrolled in this course PHYSICS 2.
400-600 words.
This is not a research paper. The material you choose to write about should be considered general knowledge to a person interested in your specific topic, but not necessarily to a student enrolled in this course. The physics applied to help in your reflections should be general physics knowledge to a student enrolled in this course PHYSICS 2; with this in mind, citations and references are not required. To emphasize, the words you use must be your own words.
electric force, electric fields, electric potential and capacitance, current and resistance, magnetism, electromagnetic induction, geometric optics, wave optics, atomic and nuclear physics.
Discuss a GENERAL concept, application, or phenomenon in MICROBIOLOGY and further explain. Then use one or more of these GENERAL topics from physics to connect the two and further explain.

You can also get the answer to this paper securely, anonymously. The paper shall be original with an accompanying originality report.