Effect of Temperature on the concentration of anthocyanins pigment in blueberry

  1. TITLE
  1. RESEARCH QUESTION (focused and specific) Research (question must be
    in form of a question)
  2. INTRODUCTION (where you show personal engagement- you might want to talk
    about why you chose the topic. What do you want to find out? Why the
    curiosity regarding this topic? Also, discuss the method you are using and
    why did you choose that certain method – is it more effective..etc.)
  3. BACKGROUND RESEARCH ( basically research about anything related to
    the topic even the method. I recommend you use the subheading. This is the part
    where you should also be cautious of plagiarism, so cite all the sources you
    used. Also, this is where you give the reader or whoever is marking your
    paper the information they need to understand whatever is going to come
    after in the paper.)
  4. HYPOTHESIS (basically state your prediction – write why you predicted what
    is going to happen that way and what was your reasoning? – if that makes

a. – Variables = state your independent and dependent variable
b. – control variables (i advise you to state why you believe the control
variables need to be controlled and how you plan on controlling
them throughout your experiment.)
c. – Materials/Apparatus

You can also get the answer to this paper securely, anonymously. The paper shall be original with an accompanying originality report.