Energy and Climate

Create a series of 10-12 (total) PowerPoint slides that answer the listed
questions below.
 Incorporate graphics (and/or animations) to enhance the presentation and
include speaker’s notes in the form of a full explanation of the slide image(s).
 Use APA citations in the speaker’s notes to avoid violation of the academic
integrity code. See the Template for more on how to create a proper citation.
Topic – Energy and Climate

  1. Find a textbook definition of energy. Share a paraphrased definition with citation,
    along with an example of the application of energy. Research and describe what it
    means that energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed and apply it to this
    question. Where does energy come from? How do we get energy from combusting
    something? Once liberated, how is energy stored, transmitted, and used?
  2. Identify traditional sources of energy. Describe the history of energy use on our
    planet. Compare this to global climate data.
  3. Sources of energy: research and present one traditional source of energy and two or
    more ‘alternative’ sources. Compare and contrast them. Which is more efficient, in
    terms of cost, energy production, and greenhouse gas emission? How easy is the
    implementation of a new source over the old source?
  4. What is the climate of your region? What seasonal variations in energy type and
    amount can you describe? How do the climate and seasonal energy use relate to
    climate change? Use the facts, draw reasonable conclusions. Remember to be open-
  5. How are climate and energy use connected? How are they both part of the natural
    system in Hawaii? Include examples of the climate change impact Hawaii makes (or
  6. Create a hypothesis of the type of energy that would be best suited to your
    environment (Hawaii). Assume no cost constraints. Find two articles that would support
    this hypothesis. Find one article that suggests that some other energy source might also
    be appropriate. Report your findings as a conclusion to the presentation. Include all
    references used in APA format.
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