The IA should investigate the following: Will increased volume of pineapple juice increases the speed of gelatin protein.
MUst include:
Research Question – This is detailed and includes units, your IV and DV.
Background Information – This is like a little mini-essay on the topic of your experiment. Your chance to demonstrate your understanding of the course content. To really impress, include some findings from published papers.
Hypothesis – what do you think will happen
Personal Engagement – why are you doing this
Independent Variable with units (there should only be one)
Dependent Variable with units (there should only be one)
Control Variables, how you will control the variable, and a description of the impact if you don’t control it.
Safety, Ethics, and Environmental considerations
Equipment set up and apparatus list.
A numbered list of steps to follow for your method.
Table of results both quantitative and qualitative
Examples of the methods used to process your data, things as averages and rates
Graph of your final processed data. This should not be a graph of unprocessed data. This should include a title that looks a lot like your RQ. The axis should be labeled with units. There should be a trend line with the R2 value.
Analysis of your graph. This should be very number-based writing. Looking at trends and patterns. How does your data compare to hypotheses?
Evaluation of the data and the procedure. DON’T WRITE I ENJOYED THE EXPERIMENT or IT WAS A GOOD EXPERIMENT. Do write ways in which you could have been more precise and more accurate. These two are not the same. Suggestions for improvement to fix these problems
Conclusion. Given the limitations outlined in your evaluation, and the analysis of your data, AND the established background information you wrote about….what are the conclusions you can make from this experiment
Link to hypothesis.
Bibliography (MLA) there should have also been in text citations th