Below, you will find a list of essay questions. Please review your notes from class and/or discussion board posts. To complete the essay exam, you must:
Answer a minimum of 3 questions
Each answer must be at least 1 page long following MLA style formatting
1 inch margins
Size 12 Times New Roman Font or the equivalent
Double-spaced text
You can use as many myths as you like, but each answer must compare and contrast material from a minimum of two different lessons (i.e. two different cultures).
All answers must incorporate the literary readings–the actual myths and stories that you read for class. They cannot simply focus on the cultures, but must analyze what the literary readings say/show about the topics.
Failure to compare and contrast stories from at least two lessons will result in a loss of points
Failure to sufficiently compare and contrast will result in a loss of points
Failure to analyze the stories and myths will result in a loss of points
Topic #3
Explore what the stories in Unit 3 show us about the similarities and/or differences one of the following:
Important aspects of everyday life
Topic #4
The hero and the heroic quest appear frequently in the stories and myths in this unit. Write about one of the topics below:
How are the male heroes depicted
What makes them heroic
How are the heroes similar and/or different across the different civilizations
How do the heroes in the myths and sagas differ from those found in the folktales
How are the female heroes portrayed
What makes them heroic
How are they similar and/or different across the different civilizations
How do female heroes differ from their male counterparts
How do quests differ based on whether the hero is from a folktale or from a myth or saga, and why do you think that is
How do the quests differ based on whether the hero is male or female, and why do you think that is
Topic #7
How is war and/or the warrior or knight depicted across the different myths and legends