Practice Examination – ‘Advance’ Documentation

First save this Answer Booklet as a WORD document under a file name of your name and
Subject e.g. David Smith CONTRACT.
Type your answer below the question selected in your saved Answer Booklet.
When completed please upload to the Practice Assessment course on ELITE (Blackboard).
You MUST upload your Answer Booklet and press Submit before 16:30 on the
Practice Assessment Closure date stated in your Test Instructions.
Notes to candidates:
In the real assessment:
 You must answer the question in Part A. This question is based upon the
Advance Documentation you received yesterday and is designed to assess
higher order skills of critical evaluation or critical analysis. This question will be
marked out of 35.
 There are two alternative questions in Part B. Answer one question from Part B

  • do not answer both. This question will be marked out of 25.
    In this practice assessment you will be answering a ‘Part A’ question, drawn from
    one of the first three units. You will be given a mark band (e.g. mid-commendation)
    and feedback. It is the feedback which is most important as this will most help you
    develop your skills.
    In the real assessment you will receive advance documentation a day before the
    assessment. This relates to the question in Part A. It is designed to allow you to
    demonstrate higher order skills of critical evaluation or critical analysis.
    In this Practice Assessment, the Advance Documentation will precede the question.
    There will not be a choice of question.

PgDL & MA Law

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Assessment Criteria:
With the exception of SBAQ assessments, all assessments on the PgDL and on the
Conversion Component of both MA Law programmes will be marked according to
the Assessment Criteria. These can be found in the Assessments area of the
Handbook module on ELITE.

You can also get the answer to this paper securely, anonymously. The paper shall be original with an accompanying originality report.