Summary of assignment
• Task: You will complete the following:
o Identify the decision-maker or group of decision-makers to whom you will write
this memo.
o Consider the secondary research you conducted on your topic for writing
assignment #2 and what additional secondary research you will need.
o Write a proposal memo to your decision-maker asking for permission to write a
report based upon your research.
• Length: 700-1000 words
• Format: A template for the memo is provided on page 2.
How This Assignment Informs Writing Assignment #4
This proposal memo is a preliminary step you take prior to writing your final paper, which is the
research-based report (writing assignment #4). Your final paper in WRTG 394 will be a report in
which you:
• define a problem in your workplace or community persuasively and accurately.
• propose a solution or solutions to the problem or issue.
As part of defining the problem and proposing a solution, you must conduct additional secondary
research to that which you conducted for your synthesis literature review.
In Writing Assignment #3, the proposal to conduct research, you are persuading a decision-maker
or group of decisionmakers to authorize you to begin conducting this research that will end up in
your final report.
The main purposes of the research proposal memo are to accomplish the following:
• Demonstrate that the problem you’ve identified for Project #4 is significant enough to
warrant investigation.
• Present a feasible plan or blueprint for your research.
• Set forth potential benefits to the organization or community from the research that justify
the use of time and resources.