The purpose of this assignment is to determine if your beliefs are similar to a political

Please take this quiz (Links to an external site.)
This quiz is not going to give you a grade at the end. Rather, it will give you what political
party you have similar beliefs to, and even give you candidates. Also, what I like about this
website is that if you are not sure about a certain topic you can always click on “learn
more, discuss, stats, news” for more information.
***I do not grade based on what are your political beliefs, but rather if you answered the
questions and supported your answers (you did additional research & cited). 
The purpose of this quiz is to determine if your beliefs are similar to a political party. Scroll
through your results, as it is important to know the other political parties beliefs and how
they are different. 
Please answer the following questions after you have completed the quiz. 
1) What two political parties do you have the most similar beliefs? (Please give
percentages) & was it different from what political party you thought you had similar
beliefs to?
        What makes them different? (support your answer–> it means you have to do
research & cite). 
2) What are certain topics/platforms/issues that you agree with the political party that
you had the most similar beliefs to?  (support your answer–> it means you have to do
research & cite. Be careful because if you do not cite in-text you are plagiarizing)
3) What question was the most difficult to answer? And why?  (support your answer–> it
means you have to do research & cite). 
4) From the previous assignment “knowing your legislators” you did research about your
state and federal legislators. 
       Thus, do your current U.S. legislators (mention their names for Senator & HoR) have
the same beliefs as you? 
5) Review your ballot (it is a tab on the website), who has similar beliefs that is running for
President/Governor/Attorney General (these are for upcoming elections)?

You can also get the answer to this paper securely, anonymously. The paper shall be original with an accompanying originality report.