To help you find sources for your Researched Narrative, you will complete an annotated

An annotated bibliography is a list of sources that you could use in your paper, followed
by a 3-6-sentence paragraph that does the following:
1) Tells the author’s purpose and audience
2) Summarizes main points
3) Tells the strategies that the author uses to get his/her point across (facts,
statistics, anecdotes, humor, studies, etc.)
4) Tells whether the article will end up being useful to your paper and why
For the annotated bibliography, you will be required to find 5 sources that are relevant to
your topic. These sources must be journal articles, news articles, or magazine articles that
you will find by using the Wright State library databases.
The sources do not have to be specifically about your topic. For example, if you’re
writing about being in class with someone who has ADHD, you could research the
teaching strategies that might be used to better keep a student with ADHD engaged in
Please see the next page for an example of how the annotated bibliography will look.
The sources MUST come from Wright State University
Library Database. Below is the link

You can also get the answer to this paper securely, anonymously. The paper shall be original with an accompanying originality report.