Unmanned Vehicles in Agriculture in Aerial Imaging

Develop an Application Project Paper. In this project, you will:
1. Discuss the perceived need of the system (why an unmanned system would be preferable, benefits, and advantages) based on a current issue with the existing manner of performing the task.
2. Compare and contrast possible unmanned system platforms and designs appropriate for the task.
3. Evaluate and discuss the considerations (technological, social, environmental, and political) associated with unmanned system application solutions, including contributing factors, end effects, and legal, ethical, and safety concerns.
4. Formulate a specific solution or research strategy to address the perceived need, including any appropriate recommendations or conclusions.
5. Utilize an appropriate research method and statistical analysis (if applicable) to obtain data and reference materials to support your work.
6. Recommend future research strategies to better understand the issue and add to the collective body of knowledge associated with unmanned systems.
The Application Project Paper will be 12 pages in length (not including cover/bibliography/references)
The Application Project Paper will use the following format:

You can also get the answer to this paper securely, anonymously. The paper shall be original with an accompanying originality report.