We would like help on Computer Science SL IA. IB

Criterion A: Both the need for the product and software is addressed. However no evidence is provided
for client consultation. The need for the software is compared with Eclipse and Visual studio but the
reasoning is not entirely valid. The following text should be in the section for the Problem not the
(Appendix 1) The main reason my client wanted me to make an app for them is that they
used to use the app MyHomework and they thought it was very clunky. This is because they said
there were too many buttons and it was too specific for what they needed, the amount of
homework they put in came to be too much and it was very hard to delete that is why they asked
me to make something a lot easier for them and that would be a lot smoother to make edits and
Most of the SC are vague, non-specific and not testable.
Overall: 4
Criterion B:
Recod of tasks: The correct form is used and the stages of planning, development and design are
covered, bit planning is not covered in sufficient detail and implementation and testing are not covered.
The final column from the page is not filled in. Some tasks are far too specific and short to warrant
inclusion, the estimated time is usually written as “1 day, 2 days, 1 week” without any sentences.
Design: Some UI screens, diagrams and charts are shown but not explained. Structure diagram and
flowchart might not make sense with regards to the actual project once completed. Calendar screen not
shown and UI screenshots taken from design view and not the actual running program. Very few charts
and UML diagrams. Test plan addresses SC but not all of them and as the SC criteria are not specific the
tests themselves are not specific. Final test should be a test of the software functionality and not of the
design, also it can not be presented in the eventual video.

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