This week’s RWQ consists of uploading a PowerPoint and PDF article. Super short
but not just any PPT.
RWQ#1 – PPT Templates
Scroll down through here: https://99designs.com/blog/business/how-to-select-
See about 10 minutes of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=lxcHLxjkcXQ Choose the video chapter of your choice.
In your copy of PowerPoint, find and explore:
New from Template or similar
Slide Layout or New slide select Layout
You may have to use ‘help’ or the ‘tell me what you need’ buttons at the top.
The goal is to see a variety of templates available for you.
Finally, search google got ‘free PowerPoint templates’. Use caution. Don’t just click
on one.
Finally, prepare a super short PowerPoint deck using the template and the rest of
the RWQ for content. Your name of course is on the file name’s left-hand side:
HRMN302 (your name) – Wk4 PPT. And on the title page, along with course
information. As you consider the template, know that you’ll be turning in and
presenting off of a PPT in Assignment 2.
RWQ#2-Presenting Online
Enjoy watching this funny but all too real
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMOOG7rWTPg (3 1⁄2 minutes). Note
that this was in 2015 and all too real. Way before Covid and Zoom and MS Teams,
etc. became common. In your PowerPoint answer: Web-meetings: 1) Have things
improved? 2) How can YOU make for/host better ‘meetings’ online. Before you
answer, do some research on hosting great web meetings and briefly report back
on a top 5 list in the PowerPoint. Use a Layout that is NOT just a list of bullet
points AND include an inserted image file on that page. Include a reference AND
upload the article you found (~ having great online meetings or giving a great
online presentation or similar). Do not just paste a link.
RWQ#3-SmartArt and Analyzing Others’ Presentations (Learning from the best)
Choose the Ted Talk of your choice. Watch it briefly. Analyze the talk on ONE
communications element dimension. Report back in your PPT (continuing from
RWQ2) as to what makes the talk a good one for that aspect. For the aspect,
choose ONE of the following:
- Purpose: General and the specific purpose (and implied if different from the
stated purpose) - Non-verbal delivery: Movement in Your Speech/Visual Aids
- Strategies for Success: Pathos: tone, emphasis, engagement; Logos: clarity,
Conciseness, arrangement; Ethos: credibility, expectation, reference - Style: Appeals (to emotions, logic, ethos); Figurative language (similes,
metaphors, symbols, imagery); Use of language, word choices (diction);
Passive or active voice; Simple or complex sentences; short or long
sentences - Oral strategies and tactics: Volume; Speech patterns (articulation,
intonation, emphasis); other
Do so in your PowerPoint’s Insert ‘Smart Art’ (graphic of your choice). Of course,
have the talk on your references page (and cite it on the page). Here’s an example
of SmartArt:
In summary, here’s a checklist for Week 4’s RWQ:
Prepare and upload a single PPT into discussions. Be sure it:
It uses a cool/colorful/contemporary/suitable template that you like.
It uses an inserted image file
It uses SmartArt
Its subject matter content covers 1) pointers on hosting a great online
meeting or giving a great online presentation (or both) and 2) review an
aspect of a ted talk’s delivery.
Upload a PDF of the article you found for item #1.
(Uploading into discussions)
Read and respond to TWO other students’ PPT’s.
This should be fast. Don’t let be a sinkhole of your time.