Which technique would you use to determine the following? You can use each technique only once.
Not all techniques will be used. There may be multiple correct answers for a question.

Homework 1. Due at 11:59 pm 9/18/2022
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  1. Which technique would you use to determine the following? You can use each technique only once.
    Not all techniques will be used. There may be multiple correct answers for a question. Only include
    one correct answer for each. If you write multiple options, I will only grade the first answer. Explain
    your answer – how would that specific technique show you what you are trying to determine.
    techniques available:
    • SDS-PAGE and Western blot
    • TLC
    • freeze-fracture
    • lactoperoxidase labeling

• FRAP/photobleaching
• photoactivation
• immunofluorescence
• hydropathy plot

a. You want to determine how many times a single protein crosses the mitochondrial membrane.
b. You want to determine which cell type expresses the Na+/K+ pump.
c. You want to determine which membrane sample contains cholesterol.
d. You want to determine if a cell is expressing a peripheral protein on the cytoplasmic or
extracellular side of the plasma membrane.
e. You want to determine the rate of protein movement in the cytoplasm under different conditions.


  1. Based on the following description, draw the membrane described. For the membrane and
    transport image, you can just draw a general phospholipid bilayer, representing the lipids, like in
    Figure 7-15 of the textbook, but be sure to indicate the differences in saturation of the fatty acids
    (straight lines or kinks). Then include the required proteins and indicate how the molecule
    transport is happening (chapter 8 info.). You also must show relative concentrations of the
    molecules (so I know you know how the molecules are moving). It does not matter how many
    phospholipids you draw – just a few on each side of a protein if required. Finally, to the side of each
    membrane, draw one accurate representation of the specific phospholipids for each membrane
    (please see example below). Put the different fatty acids tails on the same phospholipid.

Your problems to answer:
a. This membrane is made up of phosphosphingolipids (sphingosine + 18:3 fatty acid chain). This
membrane has an antiporter that moves molecules X and Y through active transport at a 1:1 ratio
(X into the cell and Y out of the cell).
b. This membrane is made up of linoleic acid and docosapentaenoic acid (yes – you need to look up
these types of fatty acid tails). The membrane has transporters for molecules A and B. The active
transport of A to the outside of the cell, drives the movement of A and B back across the membrane
and into the cell through a second transporter.
c. This membrane is made up of 22:0 and 16:0 phospholipids. This membrane also contains
cholesterol. The membrane has a channel protein for the movement of molecule Z out of the cell.

  1. Based on the membranes described in question 1 (parts a – c) draw a single Tm graph (like Figure
    7-12b) showing the relative (not actual values – we don’t know these) transition temperatures of
    each membrane and explain your reasoning. Be sure to label the peaks a, b, c,
    corresponding to the membranes a, b, c, in question 2. Use the information in Figure 7-13 to
    help you estimate Tm values. (A single Tm graph means all 3 Tm values on one graph. I only want
    one Tm per membrane – just guesstimate. This is also illustrated in the Transition Temperature
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